model that puts the child/youth's
needs first
Are you ready to provide a child with a safe and nurturing home?
Do you have a willingness to learn more and be engaged in the Anishinabek culture?
Do you have the space in your home to take in a child(ren)?
Alternative Care Process
Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services is licensed by the Ministry of Children Community Social Services to approve Alternative Care Homes.
The Alternative Care Program is a family based model that puts the child/youth needs at the centre and ensures that services are provided in a holistic cultural approach.
The Program also provides family based residential care for children/youth in need of protection and out of home placement inclusive of: Alternative Care, Customary Care (formal) and Kinship Care.
How we support Alternative Caregivers
- Provide training and educational opportunities.
- In-home support between the Alternative Caregiver and the child/youth.
- 24-Hour Support.
Financial support and compensation for extra-curricular activities, sports etc.
Opportunities to participate in cultural activities.
- Provide resources to meet the needs of the child/youth.
Monthly Alternative Caregiver Newsletter.
Alternative Care Program
Step 1: Initial Inquiry/Intake
The first step is to request information about alternative care from our agency. This can be done by calling 1-855-223-8885, or sending an e-mail through our general contact form. This inquiry will start the process whereby we will begin to work with you in assessing whether or not alternative care (fostering) is right for you, and whether or not you are right for the program. A worker will take all of the necessary information and complete the agency inquiry form with you.
Step 2: Initial Home Visit: Homestudy Process
An alternative care worker will contact you to set up a home visit. This initial home visit will provide you with information on the agency alternative care process, answer any questions that you may have and provide forms that need to be completed by you to further the assessment process. The forms needed to be completed include:
Child Welfare Check, Medical Form, References (5 for a couple and 3 for a single applicant), Police Record Check, and Vulnerable Sector Screen (all adults age 18 and over residing in the home).
Step 3: Assessment Process
Once the forms have been received and the decision to continue is made by the agency, the assessment can begin. There will be continued home visits by the assigned alternative care worker who will meet with you in your home to complete the assessment including the initial home safety.
Niijaansinaanik utilizes the SAFE & PRIDE and HEART and SPIRIT programs. The program has a strong indigenous focus. It honours indigenous ways of learning and is delivered during “heart engagements” (visits to your home) and a series of group training. This program involves individual and group learning and will help prepare you to become a successful alternative caregiver.
Step 4: Pre-Service Sessions
The alternative care worker will invite you to attend the group sessions. This consists of group learning over two weekends for a total of approximately 24 hours of alternative care pre-service training. The sessions intend to engage, prepare, and develop participants to become caregivers for Indigenous children and youth. The sessions cover First Nation child welfare history, cultural teachings, meeting developmental and spiritual needs of Indigenous children/youth, planning for change, and making the decision to extend your family.
Step 5: Decision
The final decision to approve or not approve your application is determined by the Niijaansinaanik Alternative Care Review Committee. Once the decision has been made, the assigned alternative care worker will notify you verbally and in writing.