About Us

Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services is a culture based organization responsive to the holistic needs of all children, youth and families. Niijaansinaanik provides services that reflect values, beliefs, and principles rooted within the Anishinabek culture. We believe the care of children and youth is the responsibility of an entire community. While working in the present, we acknowledge history and its impacts on our people in relations to outside influences, and strive to build a strong, healthy future for all children, youth, families and communities.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing culturally centered protection, prevention, advocacy, care and cultural services for all children and families. Our fundamental values emphasize maintaining strong culture and language values, that teach us how to live Mino Bimaadiziwin: The Good Life. We operate around a Culture-Based Service Model framed around caring for our children, and based on Mino Bimaadiziwin – the Good Life, diversity, our elders, the Clan System and Accountabilities, culturally restorative practices and the seven Grandfather teachings.


Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services (NCFS) became a designated Child Welfare Agency on April 1, 2021. This designation is historic as it is a necessary step in reclaiming jurisdiction over child welfare services for the First Nations we currently service. Since 2019, NCFS has provided 24/7 child and family services for the First Nations served. The Agency was incorporated as a non-profit organization of the province of Ontario in November 2018.

Service Areas


*Indigenous and Inuit children, youth and families served.

Maamwi gdoo-nchiikwaanaanig enchiyang

Working together for our families